Install Skin Character in GTA San Andreas
(this article using two languages, English and Indonesia. Check read more)
GTA San Andreas adalah game terbaik di bagian pengkoleksian character, khususnya jika kita mempunyai hobbi mengkoleksi mod character dan mencobanya di game. Walau game ini juga mempunyai mod kendaraan, kemampuan mod kendaraan tak akan melampaui sebanyak mod character, karena keterbatasan ID dan script. Character di GTA San Andreas bisa tanpa batas seperti halnya Garry’s mod, tergantung besarnya kapasitas hard disk.
Garry’s mod mungkin memiliki grafis yang lebih baik, characternya juga bisa dikustomasi lebih baik, hanya ini mod game yang tidak gratis, dan pergantian characternya tidak bisa secepat di San Andreas. Harus memulai new game atau load game.
Salah satu tips agar bisa mengkoleksi skin character tanpa batas di GTA San Andreas adalah dengan menggunakan mod skin selector buatan Ryosuke839. Memang skin selector hanya bisa menampung sekitar 150 character add on di skin.img, sekitar 300 files. PCku crash setelah 304 files. Tapi ada trick untuk bisa mengkoleksi skin character sebanyak yang kita mau. Rename skin.img yang lama menjadi semisal skinff.img, skin1.img atau rename ke nama-nama lainnya yang mudah kita ingat, dan buat skin.img yang baru. Kalau mau dipakai lagi, skin.img yang sedang kita gunakan bisa direname ke nama lain, dan skin lama misal skin1.img, bisa direname ke nama semula skin.img. Begitu terus.
Mumpung lagi sempat, meski menggunakan computer jadul, ku capture beberapa screenshot untuk lebih mudah.
How to do that, here :1. If you do not have CLEO, download first at Sanny Builder website.
(Download dulu CLEO library dari Sanny Builder, website)
This is the link for CLEO library . Select new version of CLEO.
2. Install it in Your GTA San Andreas folder
(Install di GTA San Andreas anda)
b. Choose your GTA San Andreas folder, by clicking browse
e. CLEO library will ask you about Sanny builder, if you do not have Sanny Builder just click “next”
f. The error message will appear, because you do not have Sanny Builder. It’s about 3 times. Just click ignore, ignore and ignore
(pesan kesalahan akan muncul jika CLEO tidak menemukan Sanny Builder, click saja ignore setiap pesan yang muncul. Sekitar 3 kali)
g. Installation complete, click close
3. Download Skin Selector at Ryosuke839 website
Download link for Skin selector
a. Click to download
b. extract ( i use winrar for this example)
c. copy skin.img and one of .cs file after extracted ( in this example i choose skin_n.cs)
d. paste both two files in CLEO folder (the CLEO folder, created automatically by CLEO installer, if you use this method.
e. edit gta.dat (located in GTA San Andreas/data) with wordpad or notepad
f. Add the following line
IMG CLEO/skin.img
in gta.dat, then click save
4. Open skin.img (in CLEO folder) with IMG editor. In this example, i use IMG tool 2.0. Click “commands” -”add”
a. Add character mod, to skin.img. The mod for GTA San Andreas, consist from dff and txd files. You can download skin or character mod on the net. In this example i use my mod in my PC.
If we use IMG tool 2.0, we need to add the file one by one.
add dff first
then add the txd
rebuild the archive
click yes
5. Play the game
you will found the CLEO version in the bottom of screen, if you install CLEO correctly
In game PRESS Action + next weapon or Action + previous weapon (by default TAB + Q) or (TAB + E), to change the character
The result :
Notice : you can rename your skin.img to different name, and rename other skin***.img, to skin.img, if you want to play character with different collection of skin.img. So, you can able to play unlimited character with the trick. Since skin.img have limited capacity too, depend your system. Like this :
The skin selector, have more features, like change CJ body shape (fat, ripped, normal) or change clothes. But this tutorial already too long, you can refer to Ryosuke839 read me, instead.
(Masih banyak kemampuan lain dari skin selector, seperti memilih CJ menjadi berotot, gemuk atau normal dan juga memilih pakaian. Baca saja read me nya Ryosuke839, tutorial ini sudah terlalu panjang dan penuh dengan gambar. Ku cukupkan di sini)