This page contain several GTA modification with Final Fantasy style. Including characters, weapons, vehicles, etc.
1. Yuna (Final Fantasy X and X-2)
All of the Yuna models converted by me to GTA San Andreas.
The Vice City version of Yuna (FF X-2) can be found at gtagarage. Rigged by garfield 2004b.
Link download for Yuna (GTA San Andreas) :
Yuna from Final Fantasy X and X-2
2. Cloud Strife (Main Character Final Fantasy VII)
I found some models of Cloud Strife, in GTA and some mod games. But none have some quality like Cloud in Final Fantasy Advent Children.
This one below, again converted from Dissidia.
link download mediafire
buster sword fix (link download)
buster sword for replacement parachute
This one below Cloud from Dissidia Final Fantasy with Advent Children outfit, still have minor bugs in his robe.
link download (with Tsurugi for replacement Katana and parachute) mediafire
3. Tifa Lockhart (Main Character Final Fantasy VII)
I have some of Tifa Lockhart or Tifa Lockheart model. Below, converted from A-Christ’s mod for GTA Vice City. Too cartoon, but funny :
link download mediafire
4. Rikku (Character Final Fantasy X, X2)
link download mediafire.
5. Lulu (Character Final Fantasy X, X2)
This character still have some problems in alpha textures, like Rikku and some Final Fantasy Characters.
link download mediafire
6. Tidus (Main Character Final Fantasy X)
link download mediafire